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Gili Trawangan Island

Admiration came when discussing the natural beauty of the eastern part of Indonesia , one of which Gili Trawangan in Lombok . If you 've never been there , here are 8 reasons why Gili Trawangan is worth a visit .

Besides Bali , one of the destinations of foreign tourists are the target of Gili Trawangan in Lombok , West Nusa Tenggara . The island is included in the Gili Indah Village , West Lombok district has immense charm , ranging from underwater to the friendly inhabitants .

For who has not had the opportunity to visit Gili Trawangan , here are 8 reasons compiled detikTravel , Monday ( 05/28/2012 ) , why you should immediately visit there :

1 . Stunning underwater natural

No doubt about it , Gili Trawangan , Lombok does have the underwater world is very beautiful . The sea water is so clear on this island , with the blue shades of green that adorn the sea . Because the water is so clear you can see fish and coral reefs right off the top of the sailing ship , without having to dive .

But if you want to enjoy the underwater world more leverage , try to dive . Do not ever miss the opportunity to see the fish aka Nemo clown fish swim gracefully . Not only nemo , colorful coral reefs can also be found there . Calm sea currents add to the pleasure of diving in Gili Trawangan . In conclusion , the underwater world of Gili Trawangan was remarkable .

2 . Free pollution and motor vehicle

This is the advantage compared to the other islands of Gili Trawangan in Indonesia . Operating a motor vehicle is strictly prohibited there . In exchange , the means of transportation is a bicycle and cidomo used . Cidomo is a kind of horse-drawn carriages Lombok , NTB .

3 . The beach is clean

In addition to sea water is clean and clear , the beach at Gili Trawangan is equally clean . Beach with white sand stretches so wide without garbage strewn . It is true , the entire population and tourists who come to Gili Trawangan island so maintaining cleanliness . So no wonder if the beach is so clean , and sparkling with sand exposed to the sun .

4 . Sunset and Sunrise

Gili Trawangan has beaches facing west and east . Distance between the beach is not too far away . Simply walk or ride cidomo , tourists can enjoy the sunset and sunrise on the island .

Take out your camera and capture every moment in Gili Trawangan . While sitting relaxed on the beach and accompanied by the music of archers , also breeze , sunset Gili Trawangan feels so romantic . Make sure you enjoy it with relatives or spouses .

5 . Close to three other islands

Gili Trawangan is included in Gili Indah village in West Lombok . The island is flanked by two other dyke , namely Gili Air and Gili Meno . Holidaying in Gili Trawangan , you can also enjoy the beauty of the two other dyke .

Simply by boat about 15 minutes , you can already visited Gili Air and Gili Meno to cross again . Usually , tourists who come to the two dyke , spend time with enjoying the underwater world . It must be recognized , the underwater world of Gili Air and Meno no less beautiful as the one on Gili Trawangan .

6 . Friendly society

In addition to the natural underwater clean , one of the attractions of Gili Trawangan is a friendly and welcoming people . If you do not believe , try surrounding Gili Trawangan on foot , you will be greeted with friendly by any resident who happened to be passing . You also do not need to be afraid of getting lost , because the population surely help you find your way home .

7 . Nightlife in Central

Well, here's activities that evening you should not miss when in Gili Trawangan , enjoy the nightlife in Central . Lined bars and frenetic music ready to juggle your night into a festive Gili Trawangan .

Central or commonly called the art market in Gili Trawangan , ranging crowded when dusk came and the sun was ready to return to the contest . Art market in Gili Trawangan is shaped like a large street facing Central Coast Gili Trawangan with kiosks and bars on either side . The most fun time to come to Central is the night around 21:00 pm . At that time , all the bars and shops along the art market is already open .

8 . Adequate accommodation

No need to fear about accommodation . Gili Trawangan resort was filled with a variety that can be tailored to your budget . Ranging from cheap accommodation to backpackers , up to a five star resort here . Stay adjust the budget , and enjoy overnight at Gili Trawangan .

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