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The only place in Indonesia Snow

Indonesia as one of the countries that are on the equator should not have snow . However , at the peak of Jayawijaya snow was spread . Jayawijaya Peak is the highest mountain in Indonesia . The altitude reaches 4,884 meters above sea level , so that any permanent snow covered mountain peaks in Papua .The presence of snow on the Jayawijaya is one of the unique natural phenomenon , because it usually does not go down the natural ice along the equator . 

When viewed from the air , like a tapestry Jayawijaya Peak shrouded in black and white hood .Peak Jayawijaya better known by hikers as the Carstensz Pyramid . Named after the inventor of this mountain , Jan. Carstensz . Climbing to the Puncak Jaya is the dream of the climbers . Various obstacles that are served in this very challenging climb . Starting from the natural conditions are so rugged , extremely cold temperatures , and strong winds and less oxygen is a challenge .Climbing to the top requires special techniques and climbing terrain is only recommended for experienced climbers . There are three pendakain hardest climb of five points .

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