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Pyramid Inside a Mountain in Indonesia

Mount Padang is a tourist attraction that became a living legend Nurbaya Siti story . The hills are not so high , climbing among sports lovers used to test the guts

Mount Padang is a tourist attraction that became a living legend Nurbaya Siti story . The hills are not so high , climbing among sports lovers used to test your nerve . Not infrequently four climbing routes in the area of ​​the Nurbaya Siti became a favorite for the natural wall climber .The cliffs were formed from basalt rock is looming with a height of about 30 meters . Interestingly , the cliffs of Mount Padang provide varying levels of difficulty . According to information , there are about 4 lines that can be used to test the guts of the climber . Among these Line H & R ( 5.9 ) climbed in 1991 by Harera and Edu , Line Camp ( 5:11 c / d ) climbed in 1990 by Rizal N Strip Fasting ( 5.12) climbed in 1992 by Valdi and Path Trek Eureka ( 5:11 c / d ) by Radit .In addition to offering natural attractions , Mount Padang also store historical tours . In the hills , once planted Siti Nurbaya bodies that represent the culture dark Minang woman forced marriage . Romance Give It Up : The Rush Angry essay stems from the beauty of Mount Padang .

At Mount Padang , visitors will also find a number of relics of the old cannon Japan as a bulwark to banish enemies heading towards the edge Muara Padang Beach .Access to Mount Padang can only be reached on foot . Visitors can park their vehicles at the foot of the mountain before continuing on foot . Interestingly , the road to Mount Padang , visitors must climb hundreds of a long and winding path . Fatigue will be relieved to climb stairs while throwing the view to the right .The beauty of the ocean waves ripple , the splendor of towering buildings in the central city of Padang , and dozens of fishing boats anchoring , you'll meet . The panorama will mehilangkan fatigue your legs while counting one by one level to the summit of Mount Padang . In addition to historical tours , a group of young people also take advantage of the terrain at the summit of the hill as a camping area . Hundreds of Chinese tombs and carved with beautiful motifs will adorn every inch of the top of Mount Padang.

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