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Many Spirit dwells in Lake Three Colors

Kelimutu National Park is the smallest national park of six national parks in Bali and Nusa Tenggara . Here there are three lakes located atop Mount Flores, with the same name andpopularly known as Lake kelimutu .Each lake has colors and their meanings . The third lake was believed to be a dwelling place of spirits and believed to have a very powerful natural force .Blue lake or " Nuwa Muri Koo Fai Tiwu " is a gathering place for the souls of young people who have died . The lake is colored red or " Tiwu Ata Polo " is a gathering place for the souls of the dead and as long as he lived always commit a crime / magick . Meanwhile , the lake is white or " Tiwu Mbupu Ata " is a gathering place for the souls of deceased parents .Lake Flores was at any time to change the color . Water discoloration Kelimutu itself is unpredictable . 

Sometimes the colors blue , green , and black , while at other times can be coloredwhite , red , and blue , then some time later dark brown .Local people believe that the color change is a sign of the lake will be a major disaster struck . However , scientifically discoloration Lake Flores is a factor mineral content ,moss , and rocks inside the crater and the influence of sunlight .If you want to reach the location of the lake , you can start from Moni , a small town which is the base camp of the backpacker . Beautiful scenery along the road to the location of the lake is very beautiful . a carcapacity of seven people can deliver you to the lake .

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